Tuesday, February 07, 2006

One Month til Momma's Birthday ....

As everyone knows I love to throw a Par-tay !!!
So to celebrate being 21 for the 2nd time now. I am going to have Oscar Party on March 5th we are going to all vote and the winner is going to get the BOOBIE Prize ....hehehehe Hope to see ya there.
I also have a BIG shout out to my child Drew... she turned 21 and now I am doing it for the second time. WOW that is a trip... Love you lots and hope to see yah soon...
Well goodbye to all the guys and gals that read this and you may start your shopping now for my present.. I like them as much as having a party.... Just Kidding....not really

Be Good and Play Nice
Momma Dale

1 comment:

Daphne Ruth Jenkins said...

Hey Momma,

I'm a total awards show junkie as well! I can't wait to see all those gay-themed films and performances competing for the statuettes. I have to warn you, if "Crash" starts taking home the prizes, I may get violent.

It's like a ridiculously self-important 2-hour dramatic version of "Everyone's A Little Bit Racist" from Avenue Q. It's not a bad idea for a film in theory. However, it's one of the worst movies I've ever seen in execution. Oh, and the soundtrack will make your ears bleed.
